Message from the President

Welcome to the Professional Transcriptionists and Court Reporters Association of Ontario website. 

As President, I take great pride to announce that as a professional association our membership has unanimously voted to change our mandate to incorporate the business of transcript production into the core values from the roots of the CRAO and to evolve into the newly formed Professional Transcriptionists and Court Reporters Association of Ontario.   After the implementation of the provincial transcription model launched in 2014, instead of feeling defeat with the drastic changes that took place, the process began to form a new vision and new strategies for the future in order for both professions to thrive.   

The Executive team of the PT•CRAO and our membership are very excited about this new direction  we are taking and we will endeavour to continue in our efforts to ensure professional standards are maintained for all stakeholders in the private and public sectors.


Joanne Hardie, C.C.R.

President, Professional Transcriptionists and Court Reporters Association of Ontario



FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT APPLICATION FOR PT•CRAO MEMBERSHIP CONTACT Joanne Hardie - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.